Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services Playgroup
Service provider
Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services (LCMS)
Multicultural Playgroup
Service provided
Playgroup operates every Thursday during school terms, from 10 am -12 noon, at the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre.
The playgroup workers have a CALD lived experience and speak English and Karen. Participants can speak their first language with people from the same country or communicate in English with people from a different country.
The playgroup workers can introduce participants to the other services offered by LCMS to help with the settlement process.
Eligibility criteria
Families with a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background, with a child aged 5 or under.
Referral pathway
Telephone or e-mail Lar Ka Paw Moo Pe.
Specific contact
Lar Ka Paw Moo Pe
Bilingual Support Worker
(03) 5441 6644