Early Childhood Education

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Early Childhood Education

Program provider

Anglicare (AV)

Program name

Early Childhood Development

Service provided

This program aims to maximise vulnerable children and families’ opportunities in accessing and remaining engaged with universal and secondary early years’ services. This is achieved through two key objectives:

  • Systemic improvement for vulnerable children (0-5 years) through developing and enhancing partnerships between TOD/Family Services and universal and secondary early years’ services.
  • Service enhancements for vulnerable children (0-5 years) through developing and facilitating targeted capacity building activities to enhance family services and early years’ practitioner skills in assessing, planning, and responding to vulnerable early childhood developmental needs.

Eligibility criteria

The target group is vulnerable families with children (0-5 years) who are:

  • likely to experience greater challenges as the child’s development has been affected by the experience of risk factors and/or cumulative harm; and/or
  • at risk of concerns escalating and becoming involved with Child Protection if problems are not addressed.

Referral pathway

To access this service workers can:

Book on consult via https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/EarlyChildhoodDevelopmentAdvisor@anglicarevic.org.au/bookings/ 

Specific contact

Kerri Watson (Early Childhood Development Advisor)
0497 630 221

Contact Information

Anglicare Victoria, 10 Mundy Street, Bendigo, Victoria, 3550
Phone 2


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