Children’s Contact Service

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Children’s Contact Service

Three different types of services are offered:       

  • Supervised contacts

A closely monitored 2-hour contact between a non-residential parent and a child/children. Designed for a parent to be monitored with a child.

  • Supervised changeovers

Both parents arrive in separate car parks, one at the front of the building and one at the rear. The residential parent is taken into the waiting room while the non-residential parent remains outside. The child is transferred from one parent to the other without the parents ever coming into contact.

  • Assisted changeovers

Both parents attend site the same as a supervised changeover. The residential parent is taken through to the front car park to non-residential parent to facilitate the changeover face to face under staff supervision. This is the final step to progression to self-managed contact.

Target Population

Families with children of any age

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for the services a family will need to either have a court order, parenting plan or be prepared to develop a parenting plan with our service.

Families will be assessed on an individual basis to determine which of our three services would be most suitable if no court order is in place.

Referral pathway

Any family in need of these types of supports can approach the service:

  • directly,
  • through their solicitor,
  • via mediation service,
  • via the court, or
  • any other service that the family is engaged with.

Referral can be made via ringing (03) 5440 8410 and asking to speak to the Intake and Assessment Officer.

Contact Information

The Salvation Army, 65-71 Mundy Street, Bendigo Victoria 3550, Australia


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