Centre for Non-Violence (CNV)
Service provided
CNV provides a range of services and programs to respond to and work to prevent family violence and homelessness. Services include:
- Supporting women & children through safety panning, crisis response, accommodation, and therapeutic recovery programs.
- Men’s Programs, for men who use violence including men’s behaviour change and family violence case management programs.
- Prevention through education, research, and policy contributions.
- Safe, thriving & Connected (STC), a therapeutic family violence recovery program for victim/survivors of family violence.
Target population
Women and children experiencing family violence and/or homelessness.
Men who use violence towards family members.
Eligibility Criteria
People residing in the Loddon region.
Children of all ages can be referred to STC. Children under 4 must attend with their mother/primary caregiver and the focus is on strengthening their relationship.
Referral pathway
Call 03 5430 3000
On-line STC referral (referring adults) https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kS8aCo1guEacYgeXUTjbwctisJBsPqFPhWUmdfbajNRUQTM3M1c0NDZXUTVRTE1ZNUFEQURCMUsxRi4u
On-line STC referral (referring a child) https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kS8aCo1guEacYgeXUTjbwctisJBsPqFPhWUmdfbajNRUOE1IREswSzI4ODM1WjlUVDY1MDVRME5HNC4u
On-line STC referral (self-referral) https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kS8aCo1guEacYgeXUTjbwctisJBsPqFPhWUmdfbajNRURVhVVTZHNEhXVlpXUE1VOVRLUThUTjNZVC4u