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Anglicare Victoria


Family Supports

Service provided

Child & Family Services offers a variety of supports for children and families. These include:

Early Help Family Services The program aims to support families where there are emerging needs and remove service barriers commonly preventing families from accessing support. This service is co-located in various education and community settings in Bendigo and beyond, settings that are familiar, comfortable, and accessible for families to reduce barriers around support seeking.
Family Preservation & Reunification consists of three programs:

  1. Functional Family Therapy- Child Welfare (FFT-CW). FFT’s primary goal is to keep families together, preventing children and young people from entering the out-of-home-care system or reunify them at home wherever it is safe to do so. We aim to strengthen families and increase their skills and decision making through targeted and specialist support. FFT uses a short-term intervention approach with an average of 12 to 20 sessions, over three to five months.
  2. Rapid Response.  Rapid Response aims to prevent the placement of children in out of home care by providing a four-week intensive intervention to enable family preservation. The program aims to reduce the immediate risks and concerns within the family to ensure that children can continue to live with their families.
  3. Future Pathways. Future Pathways typically provides further support to families for up to 6 months after Rapid Response intervention has occurred. The main aims:
  • Support the reunification process of children and young people with their families,
  • Support families to identify and implement strategies for ongoing goal achievement, and
  • Support families to sustain skills and strategies learnt to ensure a safe and nurturing home environment.
Family Support Services This service supports families with dependent children from zero to 18 years of age. The focus is on early intervention and prevention. Service provided ranges from information and advice regarding parenting, routines, child wellbeing and development, through to intensive support and group work. The service is voluntary, even though in some situations, Child Protection may be involved with the family.
Intensive Family Services This service works in partnership with Child Protection (and other services where required) to support families to meet case plan goals by promoting child safety, permanency, and development, increasing parenting capacity and family functioning.
Parenting Assessment & Skills Development Service (PASDS) PASDS provides an intense short-term assessment and skill development service that works with parents who have an infant (0-2) who are considered to be at high risk because of a possible lack of capacity around the parent’s ability to keep their infant safe and healthy.
 SafeCare SafeCare is an evidence-based parenting program for parents/caregivers of children aged 0-5 years who are at risk of – or have been reported for – child neglect or physical abuse. SafeCare Educators work with families in their home to improve parents’ skills in three areas:

  • Parent-infant/child interaction (PII/PCI),
  • Home safety, and
  • Health

Eligibility Criteria

Early Help Family Services Families with children from 0 – 18 years who are participating in the education and community settings the service is co-located in, and are not currently engaged with child protection, statutory services, or a case management service.
Family Support Services Targets vulnerable children and young people from pre-birth up to and including 17 years of age, and their families, who are:

  • Likely to experience greater challenges because the child or young person’s development has been affected by the experience of risk factors and/or cumulative harm and/or
  • At risk of concerns escalating and becoming involved with child protection if problems are not addressed, and
  • Likely to be characterised by:
  • Multiple risk factors and long-term chronic needs, meaning that children are at high risk of developmental deficits,
  • Children, young people and families at high risk of long-term involvement in specialist secondary services, such as alcohol and drugs, mental health, family violence and sexual assault and homelessness services,
  • Cycles of disadvantage and poverty resulting in chronic neglect and cumulative harm,
  • Single/definable risk factors that need an individualised, specialised response to ameliorate their circumstances, and/or
  • Single/definable risk factors that may need specialised one-off, short-term or episodic assistance to prevent or minimise the escalation of risk.
Functional Family Therapy- Child Welfare (FFT-CW) Child Protection have assessed that there is significant risk of children being removed from parental care or be working toward reunification.

FFT has four exclusion criteria:

  • The young person is not in the home (FFT will accept referrals where the referral child is in the home at least 50% of the time with a view to returning full time)
  • Presentation of severe psychiatric illness which is not currently managed (acutely psychotic, homicidal or suicidal)
  • Presence of developmental / cognitive delays that would impair parent’s ability to learn new skills.
  • Sexual abuse where the offender remains in the home.
Future Pathways Families’ who have been identified by Child Protection as requiring intensive support in order for children to remain in the home.
Intensive Family Services The target group for this service includes (but is not exclusive to):

  • Young parents.
  • Parents or children with a learning disability.
  • Parents with a history of care.
  • Families with multiple vulnerabilities such as social isolation, mental health, substance use and/or family violence.
  • Families with multiple reports to Child Protection.
Parenting Assessment & Skills Development Service (PASDS) Families who have been identified by Child Protection as having an infant at high risk aged from birth to two years of age and who reside in the Loddon Mallee Region.
Rapid Response The primary target cohort are:

  • Families who are at imminent risk of Child Protection issuing a Protection Application by Emergency Care and placing the child in Out of Home Care (Priority one).
  • Families who are already Case Managed by Child Protection that are at significant risk of a Breach to their current order, which would result in the child being placed in Out of Home Care (Priority two).
SafeCare For parents/caregivers of children aged 0-5 years who are at risk of – or have been reported for – child neglect or physical abuse.

Referral pathway

There are a variety of referral pathways for these programs, as listed below.

Early Help Family Services Referrals are via the services Early Help are co-located with.
Family Support Services, and Intensive Family Services Referrals are via The Orange Door.
Functional Family Therapy- Child Welfare (FFT-CW) and SafeCare Referrals are via the Child Protection Navigator.
Future Pathways Referrals are via the Child Protection Navigator, or internally from the FPRR- Rapid Response and Functional Family Therapy- Child Welfare programs.
Parenting Assessment & Skills Development Service (PASDS) and Rapid Response Referrals are via Child Protection Navigator.

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