C4C Bendigo Playgroups
Service provider
Shine Bright
Service provided
These supported playgroups operate 3 days per week during school terms in Kangaroo Flat, Eaglehawk and White Hills. Playgroups are for families with children aged 0-3. Our program:
- supports child development through the provision of safe, stimulating, fun, interest-based learning experiences. Parent -child interactions, early literacy and language are enhanced.
- builds family capacity, increasing parent knowledge and skills, providing access to information and resources and provides warm referrals to other child and family services.
- builds community and sector capacity providing information to community playgroups and universal early childhood and family services settings to support inclusion with a warm sense of belonging.
Playgroups are free for families to attend.
Target population
C4C services targets those in the community who need them most, including:
- Families with children at risk of abuse or neglect.
- Families experiencing disadvantage or vulnerability (including those with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds).
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families.
- Young parent families
- Families with low incomes
- Jobless families
- Sole-parent families
- Families with a parent (or child) who has a disability, and
- Families experiencing problems with housing, domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, or child protection.
Eligibility criteria
Families residing in the Greater Bendigo region with children aged 0-3 (may include 4–5-year-olds).
To access a brochure for families and a letter of introduction for workers go to https://www.c4cbendigo.com.au/page/c4c-bendigo-playgroups/
Referral pathway
To make a referral, go to https://www.c4cbendigo.com.au/for-professionals/participation-forms/
Specific contact
Jenny Prince
Co-ordinator of Supported Playgroups
0447 576 278