Eaglehawk Community House

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Eaglehawk Community House Logo

Eaglehawk Community House


  • Food relief and assistance program.
  • No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)
  • Safe Seats Safe Kids: Car Restraint Checks
  • Power Saving Bonus
  • Confidential Support

Service provided

Food relief and assistance program Groceries, personal products hampers, and home cooked meals are available Monday to Friday. Fresh fruit & veggies are available every Friday.

A community lunch is available every Tuesday from 12.00pm which provides an opportunity to come together and socialise, find information, and get support. Bookings essential.

No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)
  • Interest-free loans of up to $2,000 for essential items (unexpected expenses) or medical services/ vet bills.
  • No Interest Loans for Cars of up to $5000.
Safe Seats Safe Kids FREE Car Restraint Checks. Bookings essential. For more information go to https://safeseatssafekids.com.au/
Power Saving Bonus Assistance to apply for the State Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus.
Confidential Support The Community House facilitates a wide variety of community development groups, training, projects, and activities which support personal growth, individuality, and group participation.

Target population

The House welcomes all ages, all abilities, and all cultures. We are a disability friendly venue providing access and opportunity to those with limited mobility, people who may be vulnerable or experiencing disadvantage.

Referral pathway

Community members can self-refer. Call between 9am and 2.30pm, Monday to Friday for an appointment, or order food on-line via https://communityfoodpantry.org.au/CA/Bendigo-Eaglehawk-Community-House/MobileVerification

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